Adding a Motor Vehicle

Using you own Car

Where staff / students are required to use their own private motor vehicle for business related travel then approval must be sought in advance for same.  This approval is online via Core Portal.  To add a motor vehicle you must accept the Terms & Conditions, which are the University's Expenses Policy and Travel Procedures and Regulations. The relevant sections of the University's Expenses Policy and Travel Procedures relating to use of private motor vehicles are included below for information.




For the avoidance of doubt, where you obtain approval and use you private motor vehicle for university business, you are responsible for the insurance on that vehicle and that the insurance cover is appropriate.  Many insurance companies no longer automatically cover business mileage in the 'Social, Domestic and Pleasure' insurance category, but some will add on limited business mileage at little or no extra cost, but you must make them aware of it.  The university does not provide insurance cover for any staff or students private motor vehicles and expressly states that no liability attaches to the university in the event of an accident, incident or claim.  You are strongly advised to contact your insurer to check you are covered.  The motor allowance paid (per km) factors in all cost of using your motor vehicle including insurance.

You are also required to record that insurance cover is in place. The information required is limited to the date of expiry and insurance company.  


Changes to Expenses Payments for Motor Allowances

Where you have not registered a vehicle on Core Portal we can no longer input motor allowances.  Where insurance is recorded as expired, then the motor allowance (Km's) will be recorded but set to €0.00.  You are encouraged to add a vehicle if you are planning any travel that may involve an expense claim.  See below.



Register a Car >>



  • Licence information is not required
  • The date is the date you acquired the car. (you cannot submit a claim before this date)
  • Approvers are staff in the Expenses Office for all staff, select one from the drop down list.
  • Selected Insurance and input details.
  • You only need to update this when:

(a) your insurance expires

(b) if you a changing or using another vehicle.


If you experience any issues or have any queries, please contact us at

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