Claiming Hours

Hourly paid staff include Academic Teaching/Lecturing Hours, Tutor Hours, Additional Academic Teaching, Administrative, Technical & Support Overtime, Hourly paid staff and students.  Details of each category are included here indicating payment timelines, approvals and the appropriate claim form.


Casual Hourly Academic Teaching / Tutorials

Hourly claims should be submitted on the appropriate form (H06 see link below), signed and approved by the Head of your home Department.  These hours are paid on a monthly basis and the cut-off date for submission of the signed timesheet to HR is detailed in the Hourly Cut-off Dates section.
For academic hours, these hours need to be included on the approved delivery schedule for the programme.  There are two rates depending on whether you commenced delivering hours before January 2011. 

Note for post graduate students delivering academic hours, these hours are paid at the Tutor rate for the first year.

Where hours are for short term cover for another staff member, you should include this detail in the additional information section.

Tutorial hours are paid at the Tutor hourly rate and should be submitted on the same form (H06 see link below).  In the event that you are delivering both academic hours and tutor hours, please submit a separate claim for each.

If you have any queries, please contact Joan Murphy in Human Resources


Additional Academic Hours

Existing staff members with full or pro-rata contracts may be required to delivery hours outside of their contract and the same form (H06) should be used.  The reason for the additional hours (sickness cover, industry programme, etc) should be included in the additional information section. These are paid on a monthly basis and should be submitted to HR by the date detailed in the Hourly Cut-off Dates section to ensure that they are processed for the monthly payroll.

If you have any queries, please contact Joan Murphy in Human Resources


Overtime (Non Academic Staff)

Non academic staff including adminstrative, technical and support staff can claim overtime, where applicable, using form (H03).  Overtime claims should be submitted on a weekly basis to HR and must include the reason for the claim and the approval of your home Head of Department.

If you have any queries, please contact Joan Murphy in Human Resources


Non Academic Hourly Staff & Students

Non academic staff or students, including Student Leaders, Work Placement Students, Hourly paid Staff and Casual Part-Time Researchers, should submit their claims on form (H04) on a weekly basis to HR.  Where hours are undertaken for more than one area, e.g. Student Leaders hours assisting with registration, access service, and support for an event, ALL hours should be submitted on the same form and signed by your nominated Manager, Supervisor or Head of Department.  Multiple claims from different areas for the same week will not be processed.  These claims are processed and paid on a weekly basis.

If you have any queries, please contact Joan Murphy in Human Resources

Future Plans

The recent upgrade of the HR & Payroll system Core will allow for the submission and approval of hours online.  It is envisaged that the Institute will move to this system and remove the need for paper claims and signatures in the near future, however the configuration of the system will take some time and it is not planned to have this in place before the beginning of the academic year 2018/19.


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