Copies of current forms are available here for ease of reference. Please refer to the relevant staff or student section of the site for further information on each of these areas.
EFT (Bank Details)
- T04.10- EFT Form 19.04.21.pdf (Updated)
External Examiners, Reviewers, Interviewers, Guest Speakers & Once Off Payments
- T03.25 - External Claimant Form 14.12.23.pdf(Fillable Pdf)
Fees & Invoicing & Lodgements
- T08.3 - Invoice Request Form 24.07.19 (Online Form)
- I03.2 - Cash Lodgment Form 11.05.23 (Online Form)
- I02.2 - Event Cash Reconciliation Sheet 16.09.15.pdf (Not in use)
- F01.1 - Fees Amendment Form 21.03.16.pdf
Fixed Assets Forms
- FA01.6 - Loan of Equipment (Online Form)
- FA02.3 - Disposal of Fixed Asset Form 30.06.21.pdf (Fillable Pdf)
- FA03.2 - MTU Used Equipment Donation Agreement.docx
Mobile Phone / Devices
Project Forms
- P01.8 - New Cost Centre Code Request (Online Form)
- P06.1 - Partner Payment Form 16.07.24.pdf (Fillable Pdf)
Purchasing / Procurement
- P03.2 - Proforma Business Case Form 03.03.21.pdf (Updated)
- P04.2 - Sole Supplier Declaration 03.03.21.pdf (Updated)
- P05.1 - Salto Lock Installtion Order (New)
Resource Case
- RC01.2 - Resource Case Template 31.08.21.doc (Updated)
- RC02.1 - Research Budget Submission (Online Form)
- RC03.2 - Application for a Costed Research Extension due to Covid Disruption (Online Form)
Scholarship Forms
- T05.6 - Student Scholarship Form 11.01.21.pdf (Updated)
- T04.10 - EFT Form 19.04.21.pdf (Updated)
- R01.2 - Scholarship Tax Exemption Declaration.pdf
Staff Payment Forms
- H02.1 - Payroll Deduction Form 05.01.23.pdf (New)
- H03.4 - Overtime Claim (PMSS Staff) 01.11.23.xls (Updated to fix dropdown lists)
- H04.4 - Hourly Claim Timesheet 08.01.21.xlsx (Updated includes MTU Depts)
- H06.5 - Parttime Hours Claims (Academic) 14.12.23.xls (Updated includes MTU Depts)
- H07.9 WL Allowance Buyout form 09.01.2023.xls (Updated)
- H08.1 - Consultancy Approval Form 17.02.21.xls
- H09.1 - Consultancy Payment Request 17.02.21.xls
- H10.1 - Pay Cost Allocation Form 22.09.21.pdf (New)
Supplier Forms
- AP01.5 New Supplier Details 29.08.23.pdf (Updated - Fillable pdf)
- T11.11 Payment Authorisation Form 29.11.23 (Restricted Access)
System Access Form
- S01.1 - System Access Request (Online Form)
Travel & Expenses Forms
- T01.7 - Travel Claim Form 13.02.24.pdf (Updated)
- T07.4 - Motor Allowances Claim 14.09.21.pdf (Updated)
- T02.5 - Refund Form 14.09.21.pdf (Updated)
- T06.5 - Traveller Profile Form 25.07.19 (Online Form)
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