

Unit 4ERP (more commonly known as Agresso) is used for staff to enter requisitions, research staff to enter timesheets and managers to approve invoices and budget reporting.

The Citrix platform is used by Finance Office staff only to access systems.

The Electronic Travel Request (ETR) system is used by those travelling to book flights, accommodation and other travel service via our travel agent.  It is available to all travellers from the university, and it is a mandatory requirement for all air travel bookings. 

Umbrella, is a system available to all travellers to update their traveller profile, to include preferences etc. All travellers using the ETR require a traveller profile

Access people XD (more commonly known as Core) is available to all staff of the university, to check pay slips, submit and review expenses payments, book annual leave and other types of leave.  It is also use by managers to approve staff expenses and leave.


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