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P01 - New Cost Centre / Project Code Form
P01 - New Cost Centre / Project Code From
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New Cost Centre / Project Code
Version P01.8 - 25.03.2021
Please complete all four sections before submitting.
Project Name
Funding Body
BIM - Board Iascaigh Mhara
DAF - Dept Agriculture & Food
DES - Dept Education & Skills
DETE - Dept Enterprise, Trade & Employment
DFA - Dept Foreign Affairs
DFHEIS - Dept of Further & Higher Education
DOD - Dept of Defense
DPER - Dept of Public Expenditure & Reform
DRCD - Dept of Rural & Community Dev
DTCAGSM - Dept Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport & Marine
EI - Enterprise Ireland
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
EU - European Union
FI - Failte Ireland
HEA - Higher Education Authority
HSE - Health Services Executive
HRB - Health Research Board
IDA - Industrial Development Authority
IRC - Irish Research Council
LA - Local Authority (Councils)
LEARGAS - Leargas
MI - Marine Institute
NFTL - National Forum Teaching & Learning
SFI - Science Foundation Ireland
SEAI - Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland
TEAGASC - Teagasc
UDARAS - Údáras na Gaeltachta
NONE OF THE ABOVE (Fill in Client)
Customer (where applicable)
External Project Reference / Contract No.
Start Date
End Date
Upload Document 1
Please upload the Contract / Letter of Offer / Purchase Order confirming funding and budget
Upload Document 2
Additional document (if required)
Department / Centre
A110 - School of Building & Civil Eng
A111 - Civil, Structural & Environ Eng.
A112 - Construction
A113 - Architecture
A120 - School of Mechanical, Elec & Process Eng
A121 - Mechanical Eng.
A122 - Process, Energy & Transport
A123 - Electrical & Electronic Eng
A124 - CAMMS
A125 - Centre for Craft Studies
A131 - Nimbus Centre
A132 - Clean Technology Centre
A133 - MeSSO Research Group
A134 - MEDIC Centre
A135 - IMaR
A140 - National Maritime College or Ireland
A141 - Maritime Studies
A142 - NMCI Services
A143 - Halpin Centre
A200 - School of Science
A210 - Physical Sciences
A211 - Biological Sciences
A212 - Biological & Pharmaceutical Sciences
A220 - Computer Science (Cork)
A221 - Computing (Kerry)
A222 - Creative Media & Information Technology
A223 - Technology, Engineering & Maths
A224 - Mathematics
A230 - CAPPA Centre
A231 - Shannon ABC
A299 - School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths
A300 - School of Business (Cork)
A301 - Organisation & Professional Dev
A302 - Management & Enterprise
A303 - Marketing & International Business
A304 - Accounting & Information Systems
A305 - Tourism & Hospitality (Cork)
A310 - Business (Kerry)
A320 - Hotel Culinary & Tourism (Kerry)
A331 - Hincks Centre
A397 - School of Business, Computing & Humanities (Kerry)
A400 - School of Health & Social Science
A401 - Applied Social Studies (Cork)
A402 - Social Sciences (Kerry)
A410 - Sports, Leisure & Childhood Studies
A411 - Health & Leisure (Kerry)
A412 - UNESCO Chair
A430 - Nursing
A498 - School of Humanities
A500 - Crawford College of Art & Design
A510 - Arts in Health & Education
A520 - Fine Art & Applied Art
A530 - Media Communications
A550 - Cork School of Music
A551 - Keyboard Studies
A552 - Orchestral Studies
A553 - Pop, Jazz, Trad, Voice & Theatre
A554 - Musicianship & Academic Studies
B130 - MTU Implementation Office
B200 - VP Finance & Admin (Cork)
B201 - VP Corporate Affairs (Kerry)
B210 - Finance (Cork)
B211 - Finance (Kerry)
B300 - VP Academic Affairs (Cork)
B301 - VP Academic Affairs (Kerry)
B350 - Student Engagement & Retention
B370 - Technology Enhanced Learning
B400 - VP External Affairs (Cork)
B401 - VP research, Dev & External Engagement (Kerry)
B420 - Extended Campus
B500 - Research Office (Cork)
B501 - Research Office (Kerry)
B510 - Innovation & Enterprise Office (Cork)
B511 - External Services (Kerry)
NOT LISTED (Include in Comments)
Research Entity
C001 - Clean Technology Centre
C002 - Nimbus Centre
C003 - Halpin Centre
C005 - CAPPA Centre
C005 - BioExplore Centre
C006 - Intelligent Mechatronics & RFID (IMaR)
C007 - Shannon Applied Biotechnology Centre
G001 - Hincks Research Group
G002 - Spraoi Research Group
G003 - Sigma Research Group
G004 - MeSSO Research Group
G005 - SIRG Research Group
G006 - TEL Research Group
G007 - V-Linc Research Group
G008 - MEDIC Research Group
G009 - UNESCO Chair Inclusive PE , Sport & Fitness
G010 - Enterprise Engagement & Experiential Learning Research Group
G011 - PiERG Research Group
NA - None of the Above
Budget Holder / PI Name
PO Approver (Kerry Only)
First Invoice Approver Name
Final Invoice Approver Name
Project Type
Research & Innovation
Please select Funding Type
External Funding 100%
External with Matching Funding Required
Internally Funded
Matching Funds Required
Are transfers to Project Partners Required ?
Yes (MTU is Project Lead)
No (MTU is Particpant)
How many Financial reports are required?
What is the Date of the First Financial Report?
Total Project Income
Transfer to Project Partners
Net Income to MTU
Staff Pay Costs
Tuition Fees
Contractors (not Project Partners)
Total Expenditure
Include here any other relevant information not captured on this form
Person making Application Email
Head of Department / Centre Manager Email
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