Changes to Motor Travel & Subsistence Allowances

Changes to Motor Travel & Subsistence Allowances

31 March, 2017

Copy of Email to All Staff 31/03/2017

The Department of Public Expenditure & Reform has issued 3 new circulars revising the motor allowances, domestic subsistence and Foreign subsistence allowances effective from 1st April 2017. The changes are summarised below:

Domestic Subsistence Allowances

There are no changes to the 5 hour and 10 hour rate which remain at €14.01 and €33.61 respectively.

The overnight rate has increased from €125.00 to €133.73

For overnights in Dublin, where the overnight rate cannot secure accommodation including breakfast, then a hotel receipt (B&B) up to the limit of €133.73 may be claimed PLUS an additional 10 hour rate of €33.61

As many of you obliged to stay over in Dublin are aware it had become near impossible to source accommodation within the old overnight rate and this new allowance is most welcome. It should be noted that a hotel receipt for bed and breakfast is required and is only payable up to the €133.73 limit. A credit/debit card receipt is not sufficient. Where a receipt is not provided then the overnight rate of €133.73 will be applied and the additional €33.61 cannot be claimed. It should also be noted that this applies only to Dublin.

Motor Allowances

There have been significant changes to the motor allowance bands and rates. In summary the existing 2 bands (up to 6,437km per annum and over 6,437km per annum) have been replaced by four bands and the rates have been decreased for band 1 and increased for band 2 as follows:


New  Bands  Distance Bands Engine Capacity up to 1200cc Engine Capacity 1201cc to 1500cc Engine Capacity 1501cc and over
Band 1 0 – 1,500 km 37.95 cen 39.86 cent 44.79 cent
Band 2 1,501 – 5,500 km 70.00 cent 73.21 cent 83.53 cent
Band 3 5,501 – 25,000 km 27.55 cent 29.03 cent 32.21 cent
Band 4 25,001 km and over 21.36 cent 22.23 cent 25.85 cent


Foreign Subsistence Allowances

The rates for many foreign destinations have been increased and the finance office website is being updated with the new rates. Please check the rate you are using for trips after 1st April is the correct rate. The term “Conference Rate” has been replaced with “Vouched Accommodation Rate” but the application of it will not change.


Circular 05-2017 (Motor Travel Rates).pdf Circular 06-2017 (Domestics Subsistence Allowances).pdf Circular 07-2017 (Foreign Subsistence Allowances).pdf If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact use at

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