Foreign Travel Update July 2015

Foreign Travel Update July 2015

30 June, 2015

Copy of Email to All Staff

Please note the following update regarding foreign travel:

Foreign Subsistence Rates

There is some good news for staff in relation to foreign subsistence. We sought clarification on the implementation of the revised subsistence rates from the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform and they have confirmed that the Class A rates will apply to all staff for foreign travel effective 1st July 2015.  There is currently a 10% differential between the Class A and Class B rate for foreign travel. The  finance website, which provides details of rates for different countries is being updated to reflect this, however in the interim please use the Class A rate for travel on or after 1st July.

ETR Bookings via Club Travel

Effective 1st July, the charges applied by Club Travel will change.  The flat rate booking charges per person will cease and a new flat rate fee of 3.69%of the invoice value plus VAT will apply.  This will be added to the quotes you receive when booking travel as before.  Having reviewed the current years expenditure the new charges are cheaper in 80% of bookings, resulting in an overall saving to the Institute. However for larger value invoices, such as non-EU flights or longer accommodation bills it is likely that the charges for these items will be higher than before.  Club Travel are our tendered travel agency and flight bookings must be made via the ETR

You are reminded that all foreign travel requires the prior approval of the VP for Finance and Administration.  Leave of Absence (LOA) should be submitted to the Expenses Office in advance who will obtain the necessary approval and return the LOA form to you for submission of your claim afterwards.  Copies of this notice, claim forms, and subsistence rates are available on the finance website which can be accessed at or via the staff gateway.

Queries on the above should be addressed to

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