Notice of Procedures Update
12 November, 2015
Copy of Email to All Staff
A number of policies and procedures have recently been updated and a schedule is provided below.
Travel & Expenses
Of particular interest to staff may be the changes to the Travel & Expenses Policy and the associated Travel Procedures and Regulations. For convenience, the main changes are summarised below:
- Compliance with Policy & Procedure is checked by the Expenses Office prior to any payments being processed.
- Clarifying that all staff that travel on Institute business during official leave periods DO require a completed Leave of Absence. This is particularly relevant to academic staff.
- Removing of reference to the Class B Subsistence for domestic and foreign travel.
- Insertion of the new distance requirement to qualify for overnight allowances (100km).
- Clarifying that hotels booked and paid for by the ETR are deducted from normal subsistence allowance. Care should be taken that the cost does not exceed the allowance.
- Updating the hospitality section to clarify, limits; information required on those benefiting from hospitality; bills including alcohol; hospitality for exhibitions, conferences and events; staff social events and the requirement for IEB level approval for hospitality likely to exceed €500.
Common Issues
In addition the Expenses Office have asked that the following common issues be brought to your attention, to minimise delays to expense payments.
- For attendance at conferences, seminars, workshops or events the Agenda or itinerary of the event from the relevant website should be attached (max 2 pages) This is an audit requirement.
- Request for advance payment of conference fees should be sent to the Expenses Office (not Purchasing Office) with a signed Leave of Absence and payment or refund will be processed.
- For projects and self-financing activities, the budget holder and the person Head of Department/Centre must sign the claim.
- ETR Bookings should be submitted before 12 noon on a Friday to allow time to be processed the same day.
Queries on the above should be directed to Vince or Roisin in the Expenses Office at
Schedule of Changes to Policies & Procedures
04/09/15 ERDF Procedures (projects/initiatives part-funded by the ERDF Structural funds)
04/09/15 ERDF Claim Process
04/09/15 Financial Procedures Manual Update
05/11/15 Credit Card Policy (for institute credit cards)
05/11/15 Fixed Asset Policy (replacing Capital Asset Policy)
05/11/15 Travel & Expenses Policy
09/11/15 Travel Procedures and Regulations
Financial Policies and Procedures can be accessed via the finance website link on the staff gateway or at
Niall Cremin,
Management Accountant