Using your car for Institute business

Using your car for Institute business

29 November, 2018

We have recently upgraded our Core Expenses system and any person that uses their private car on Institute business will need to submit their car and insurance details on line via Core Portal. We advise all staff to do this as soon as possible, as the upgraded system does not allow us to process motor allowances (rates per km) without being attached to a car recorded on the system.

Information on how to do this is available here.

In this context a query arose in relation to car insurance and liability when using your private car for institute related business. Our Expenses Policy and Procedures provide that:

(a) Prior approval for using your private motor vehicle (the online submission above covers this)

(b) That your vehicle has appropriate insurance cover

(c) No liability attaches to the Institute for use of your private motor vehicle.

These requirements are contained in Circular Letter 11/82 and the Institute has no discretion in matter. If you are using your private car for institute business, we strongly advise that your check with your insurer that you are covered for that use. In many instances limited business travel up to an annual distance limit can be covered at no extra cost, but you must inform your insurer.

An information page on the finance website has more information, but if you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

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