Temporary Arrangements for Submitting Travel & Refund Claims

Temporary Arrangements for Submitting Travel & Refund Claims

26 March, 2020

Email to All Staff 26th March 2020.

Re: Temporary Arrangements for Submitting Travel & Refund Claims

Firstly I hope that you are keeping well and adapting to the changes that remote working as thrust upon us. As the Institute is likely to be closed for a period longer than the initial two weeks, I would like to bring your attention to some temporary arrangements in place for the submission of travel and refund claims. This is to ensure that claims continue to be paid in a timely manner. We would like to reassure you that we are continuing to processing our weekly payments runs.

Domestic Travel

• We would advise all staff that have claims for domestic travel that have not already been submitted to forward them to the Expenses Office by email.

• Please use Form T01 - Travel Claim . You can type your details onto the pdf form and if you select print from the menu it should give you a ‘Save as pdf’ option. You should attach electronic copies or scans of receipts, or photos of same. Please submit this directly to the Expenses Office at expenses@cit.ie and we will obtain the necessary approvals from your Head of Department or Budget Holder. (Please state who the budget holder is)


• Where staff have incurred exceptional costs working at home, these may be refunded. Such costs must be additional and wholly and exclusively incurred for that purpose. You are advised to check with the Expenses Office if you are unsure.

• Please use Form T02 – Refund Claim You can type your details onto the pdf form and if you select print from the menu it should give you a ‘Save as pdf’ option. You should attach electronics copies or scans of receipts, or photos of same. Please submit this directly to the Expenses Office by email to expenses@cit.ie and we will obtain the necessary approvals from your Head of Department or Budget Holder. (Please state who the budget holder is)

Foreign Travel Bookings

•Most staff that had foreign travel booked to the 29th March via our travel agents, should have been contacted by Club Travel to cancel or rearrange. Our travel agents re now commencing contacting travellers that have travel booked in the first two weeks of April.

• Where staff have incurred costs that are not refundable, these may be claimed by submitting the pre-approved Travel Claims Form to the expenses office with relevant receipts. A scanned version will be accepted.

Online Expense Pilot Group

• Staff in the Departments / Centres of the pilot group for online expenses should continue to submit their claims online as usual.

Contacting us

• All staff working in the Finance Office are working remotely, so the best method of communication is by email. Contact details for all finance staff can be found on our website contact-us To contact the Expenses Office, please email expenses@cit.ie.


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