Updated Travel Procedures & Subsistence Rates

29 November, 2021
Email to All Staff in Cork & Kerry
29th December 2021
This is to update you on the Travel Procedures in place in the University, including requirements for foreign travel and changes in subsistence rates. We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that if you have outstanding trips or refunds due since September 2021, that the final date to submit those claims guarantee payment before the Christmas break is Monday 13th December 2021.
Policy & Procedures
In January the Governing Body approved MTU’s Travel & Expenses Policy. We have been working on a set of Travel Procedures and Regulations as required by that policy to provide more detail on what is allowable and also the process to follow. A copy of this document is linked here.
Foreign Travel
Last week we introduced some changes to process for foreign travel. Following feedback from staff we have decided to suspend processing foreign travel claims online via Core Portal, as this was found to be confusing and was taking considerable longer than necessary to process and pay. Foreign travel is now pre-approved and subsequently claimed on paper/pdf Form T01
The University’s Policy & Procedure provide that all flights must be booked via the ETR system. For staff that are not familiar with this system a manual is available online and we will also be provided some training sessions. Click here to register your interest
Domestic Subsistence Rates
The Day Time Domestic Subsistence Allowances have increased effective today (1st December 2020) as follows:
• Day Time Rate - Over 10 Hours from €36.97 to € 39.08
• Day Time Rate - Over 5 Hours from €15.41 to € 16.29
• Overnight Rates at €147.00 remains unchanged.
We would invite you to view the travel section of our website travel for information on rates allowances, forms, guides on claiming expenses and foreign travel including arrangements for flight booking via the ETR.
Best regards
Niall Cremin
John Fox