

Whilst recognising the importance of hospitality it is prudent for the University to apply limits and restrictions to ensure that it is applied when necessary, is not excessive and provides value for money.

The University's Hospitality Policy states that hospitality is only provided at events with external persons.  Therefore events such as staff parties, summer bbq's etc. and events solely for staff cannot be paid for or reimbursed by the university (irrespective of the source of funds).  Catering for staff work events is treated seperately.  The Hospitality Policy provides details of what is permissiable, limits that are applied, provision of alcohol and the authorisation requirements etc.  Staff should familiarise themselves with these requirements as they may be liable for the cost of such hospitality if it is not compliant with the policy.



In certain instances, it may be appropriate to provide a gift to a visitor to the University and whilst visiting other people in other Institutions. In general gifts should be ‘tokens’ (i.e. not of significant value) and should be representative of the University, Region, Country as appropriate.

The provision of smaller items such as branded merchandise at events, conferences and seminars is not considered a gift provided they are low value items (pens, pads, cups etc.)

The use of Gift Vouchers (such as One4alll) vouchers can be acquired via the Purchasing Office, and there is an annual limit of €500 per person set by the Revenue Commissioners.



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