Mobile Phones

The University's Mobile Phone Policy sets out criteria for staff applying for mobile phones to be connected to the corporate account.  Section 7 of that Policy Sets out the eligiblity as follows:


The University may provide a mobile device and connections for specific posts, where the use of
a device is of significant benefit in assisting the user in completing their duties. These shall be
provided on application to the Finance Office:

(a) Members of the University’s Executive
(b) Academic Staff at the grade of Senior Lecturer 2 or higher
(c) Non Academic Staff at the grade of APO or higher
(d) Other Staff as evaluated on a case by case basis on approval of the VP Finance &
Administration / Corporate Affairs


In the case of (d) above these are approved on an exceptional basis and in general the requirement muse be of an ongoing nature. For example a specific project, grant or short-term activity would not usually qualify, as this phone contract may outlast the requirement.


In all cases, application must be made on Form P02 Application for a Mobile Phone and returned the Cian Kinsgtown in the Finance Office at   Link below


Standard Handset

The Mobile Phone Policy provides for a standard handset to be provided where a connection is approved.  Where a user wishes to obtain a different model, they are liable for teh differnce and will be invoiced for same.

The current standard handset is the Samsung Galxy A42 5G which costs €160.00 plus VAT (€196.80)

The standard handset is recommended by IT Services / Computer Services to the Finance Office andis updated in line with availability.  The policy does not provide for any exceptions to this 


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