Mobile Phones
The University's Mobile Phone Policy sets out criteria for staff applying for mobile phones to be connected to the corporate account. Section 7 of that Policy Sets out the eligiblity as follows:
The University may provide a mobile device and connections for specific posts, where the use of
a device is of significant benefit in assisting the user in completing their duties. These shall be
provided on application to the Finance Office:(a) Members of the University’s Executive
(b) Academic Staff at the grade of Senior Lecturer 2 or higher
(c) Non Academic Staff at the grade of APO or higher
(d) Other Staff as evaluated on a case by case basis on approval of the VP Finance &
Administration / Corporate Affairs
In the case of (d) above these are approved on an exceptional basis and in general the requirement muse be of an ongoing nature. For example a specific project, grant or short-term activity would not usually qualify, as this phone contract may outlast the requirement.
In all cases, application must be made on Form P02 Application for a Mobile Phone and returned Amy Holland in the Finance Office at Link below
Standard Handset
The Mobile Phone Policy provides for a standard handset to be provided where a connection is approved. Where a user wishes to obtain a different model, they are liable for the differnce and will be invoiced for same.
The standard handset is recommended by IT Services / Computer Services to the Finance Office andis updated in line with availability. The model and price are included in the application (Form P02) The policy does not provide for any exceptions to this.
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