A full list of all active tenders with approved suppliers is available on Agresso on the requistioning Workspace.
Information on how to raise a requistion is available here
Purchase Order Requirement
In general all goods and services procured by the university require a purchase order. All goods and services provided to the university must reference a valid purchase order (not a requisition number). All invoices received without a valid purchase order will be returned unpaid to the supplier. The following services are the only exceptions that do not require a purchase order (if unsure, please contact the Purchasing Office)
- Membership / Licence / Subscription
- Utilities
- Project Transfers - use Form P06 Partner Payment Form
- Club Travel
- Hospitality (not including hotel reservations for guests)
- Inter Company - Subsidiaries (Services provided by Blackrock Castle or The Rubicon Centre)
- Courier Services (DHL, Fedex, UPS)
- Tickets / Conference Costs
Conference Fees
If you have a conference fee to be paid in advance, that will be linked to a travel claim. The invoice or details of the fee must be accompanied by your signed Leave of Absence Form and sent to the Expenses Office who will arrange payments of same.
Related Documents
- Public Procurement Guidelines for Goods % Services October 2023 Version_3.pdf
- Procurement Policy & Procedures