Loan of Equipment
Why Complete a Loan of Equipment form?
Section 30 of the University's Fixed Asset Policy states: “Assets may be loaned to staff members or students to facilitate them in carrying out their duties or studies. The Capital Assets Section of the Finance Office shall maintain a central repository of all signed and approved assets that are on loan including who is responsible for the asset whilst on loan and the authorization from the relevant officer.”
This covers equipment used for one-off events, equipment being permanently located off-site and regular loans. The most common item of equipment subject to loan is a laptop. For example where a staff member brings a laptop home to work even just on an occasional basis, this constitutes a loan. In this example, the loan form can be completed for an extended period. The maximum loan period allowed is two years and after this loan period, the loan approval must be renewed or the asset returned.
Staff that have University supplied equipment at home for the purpose of remote working should complete the loan of equipment form for a suitable period.
Loan of equipment Form
The loan of equipment form is now any online form and can resubmitted at amy time, Link to Form below.
Loan Period
- The maximum period for a loan of equipment form is two years.
- If any equipment is to be loaned for a duration in excess of two years, then a new loan form should be completed, approved and returned to the Capital Assets Office one month prior to the original loan expiry date. (23 months)
Location of Equipment while on Loan
- Your office number and the offsite location (address) of the asset must be detailed on the loan of equipment form.
- If the location of the asset changes during the loan period, the Capital Assets Office must be informed - this is essential for the completion of internal asset audits.
Details of Equipment
- Description – Brief description of the asset. Eg Dell E7240 Laptop.
- Serial No - The equipment serial number or the service tag number
- MTU Tag No (where available – A 8 Digit number starting with C00*****
A loan of equipment form is submitted online and notified to the issuer. It is approved by the Fixed Asset section of the Finance Office and recorded on the asset tracking module of the Finance System. Notifications of are only issued in instances where the loan is not approved. Once the form has been submitted, this authorises the equipment to be taken off campus, unless otherwise notified.
Specific Terms relating to Laptops on Loan:
I agreed to return the laptop when requested by by Department or IT / Computer Services
I will present the laptop on request for asset verification on request (usually no more than once per annum)
I will return the University laptop and any accessories / other equipment provided where I cease employment, retire, commence Career Break or reach the end of my contract is ended. All data on the device will be securely wiped to ensure no data protection risk is incurred.
I acknowlegde that I may be liable for any potential damage caused to the laptop or any replacements required from when assigned that are not covered by Warranty excluding any potential operational hardware failure issues.
I understand that I am responsibel for the safe custody of the laptop and agree to carefully look after it by always keeping it clean and carrying it in the protective case provided, where it will remain encrypted while on loan.
I understand that the laptop is only yor be uased for University business and that family members are prohibited from using, with no personal information being stored on it.
I undertale to ensure that all important university information/data will be be backed up regularly onto relevant University systems.
I agree that only university approved & licenced software will be installed on it.