Coaches & Instructors


Payments to Coaches & Instructors


Who does this apply to?

Payments made to Sports Coaches and Sport or Fitness Instructors that work with the university will be taxed on payments made by the university, per guidelines from the Revenue Commissioners.


How does this work?

Coaches & Instructors will claim using the External Claimant Form (Form 03 available here).  The first time claiming you will need to provide your bank details on Form T04.  This is included in the link above.  After that you can ignore that section, unless you need to change bank details.


Payments are processed via the university's payroll and are subject to PAYE / PRSI and USC where applicable.  The payroll is paid weekly and is paid on Thursdays into your bank account.  Claims submitted are usually paid the following week.


Filling in the Claim Form


What is the Claimant Number?

This is the payroll reference number, usually starting with MS.  If you do not know this you can leave it blank.

What do I include in the activity section?

Function or Event - this is a class you provided or team you are coaching

Cost Centre - the person who engaged you will provide you with this budget code - in this instance it usually starts with SS

Category - from the drop-down list select 'Coach or Instructor' (2820)


What is the notified fee?

The person who engaged you will provided you with the fee for the particular activity.


Can I Claim Travel & Expenses ?

Unless you are notified otherwise, travel and expenses are not applicable for these claims.

Where eligible, the rates are provided in the document



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