ETR Travel Bookings

What is it?

The ETR (Electronic Travel Request) system is an online travel booking system with our travel agent Club Travel.  Requests are routed via the system and the travel agent provides options to the user.  Once the user selects their option the travel is booked and the user is sent the travel details by email.   A user can book their own travel and/or travel on behalf of others.

Travel booked via the ETR System are invoiced directly to the university so you don't have to personally pay the cost.  The ETR System can handle requests for flights, ferry, rail, hotel accommodation and car hire.  All of these costs can be invoiced directly to the university.

It is the responsibility of the traveller or arranger to ensure that accommodation bookings made on ETR System are within the allowable subsistence rates for their destination.


The University's travel policy requires that all air travel (flights) or ferries are booked via the ETR System as this forms part of our control procedures to ensure pre-approval of foreign travel is obtained.  In addition the system is used to check where staff who are travelling on business are located in case of an emergency situation, such as recent incidents in mainland Europe.  Refund claims for air travel are not permitted.


Traveller Profiles

If you have not used the ETR System before, you will need to complete a basic Traveller Profile and indicate you require ETR access. You will receive an confirmation email from the Expenses Office and a further email from our Profile Management System (Umbrella) with a logon to complete your profile.  A Training Guide for Umbrella is available to users.


New Users and Training

Periodic training sessions are provided for new users, however, short demonstrations of the system can be provided to new users on an one-to-one basis if required.

The ETR System was upgraded in August 2018 and a new ETR Training Manual for users is available.



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