Policy & Procedures
Travel & Expenses Policy
The Travel & Expenses policy should be read in conjunction with the Travel Procedures and Regulations. These set out the basis of travel and expense claims, authorisation and eligibility. Most of the regulations are based on Circular letters, and revenue guidelines.
- Section 10 - Travel Expenses Policy v1.2 (Jan 2021).pdf
- Section 10 - Travel Procedures Regulations v1.1 (Dec 2021)
Use of Motor Vehicles & Insurance
Persons using their private motor vehicle for university business, require prior approval and should confirm that they have sufficent insurance cover in place and are stongly advised to check with their insurer that they are covered. Apprvoal is via Core Portal
Hospitality Policy
The main points to note are that hospitality is provided to external persons, invoices or receipts should name who was present and what organisation they represented. Events likely to cost more than €1,000 require prior written approval from the relevant Executive member (an email will suffice) and this should accompany the claim or invoice. Full details are below.
- Section 11 - Hospitality Policy v1.1 (Jan 2021).pdf
- Section 11 - Hospitality Procedures v3 (Dec 2018)
If you have any queries, please contact expenses@mtu.ie and they can provide clarirification.