Subsistence Rates
Staff that are required to travel on official business are reimbursed out of pocket expenses up to certain limits. For trips away from your normal place of work, standard subsistence allowances are payable for 5 hours, 10 hours and overnight (24 hours) trips. This negates the need to provide meal and accommodation receipts, unless specifically required. You should check the rates for the county and city you are planning to travel to in advance.
Prior approval by your Head of Department or Manager (as appropriate) including the estimated cost of the trip beforehand is required. For foreign travel only Form T01 should be approved in advance before confirming any flight or accomodation bookings requested via the ETR system.
Your expense claims should be submitted online via Core Portal payment within one month of travel. Foreign Claims should be submitted on form T01 also within one month of travel.
Domestic Subsistence
The qualifying distance for overnight rates is 100kms. If you are required to stay overnight between 50km and 100km from home or work please contact the Expenses Office in advance to determine if an exception can be applied.
**Please note Rate Change from 29th January 2025 **
Dublin (from 29th January 2025)
- Hotel receipt for B&B to max of €205.53* plus € 46.17
- Reduced Rate (after 14 consecutive nights) €184.94
- Day Time Rate - Over 10 Hours € 46.17
- Day Time Rate - Over 5 Hours € 19.25
*For staff staying overnight in Dublin the cost of vouched accommodation to a maximum of €205.53 (hotel receipt for Bed & Breakfast) plus a 10 hour rate applies. Please note a credit/debit card receipt is not sufficient by itself. Where receipts are not provided the total that can be claimed is the standard overnight rate of €205.53
All Other Places (from 29th January 2025)
- Overnight Rate - Period of 24 Hours € 205.53
- Reduced Rate (after 14 consecutive nights) € 184.94
- Day Time Rate - Over 10 Hours € 46.17
- Day Time Rate - Over 5 Hours € 19.25
Reference: Circular 04-2025 (DPE126/005/2015)
Effective Date: 29th January 2025
Dublin (up to and including 28th January 2025)
- Hotel receipt for B&B to max of €195.00* plus € 42.99
- Reduced Rate (after 14 consecutive nights) €175.50
- Day Time Rate - Over 10 Hours € 42.99
- Day Time Rate - Over 5 Hours € 17.92
*For staff staying overnight in Dublin the cost of vouched accommodation to a maximum of €147.00 (hotel receipt for Bed & Breakfast) plus a 10 hour rate applies. Please note a credit/debit card receipt is not sufficient by itself. Where receipts are not provided the total that can be claimed is the standard overnight rate only (€147.00)
All Other Places (up to and including 28th January 2025)
- Overnight Rate - Period of 24 Hours € 195.00
- Reduced Rate (after 14 consecutive nights) € 175.50
- Day Time Rate - Over 10 Hours € 42.99
- Day Time Rate - Over 5 Hours € 17.92
Reference: Circular 19-2023 (DPE126/005/2015)
Effective Date: 14th Deceember 2023
Foreign Subsistence
There are different subsistence rates for each country and for cities and places within those countries. The most common countries for travel including all EU countries are included below for ease of reference. If the country you are travelling to is not included on this list, please check the full list of foreign subsistence rates or contact the Expenses Office. In many instances the rate will be accommodation only or bed and breakfast plus an amount in local currency. You have the option of booking your hotel via the ETR System and have it invoiced directly to the Institute, or paying it yourself, however a receipt will be required.
EU Countries
Other Countries
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom